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Fatty Liver Foundation Announces Preliminary Findings From State of NAFLD/NASH Care in America Patient Survey

The Fatty Liver Foundation (FLF) is excited to announce preliminary findings from The State of NAFLD/NASH Care in America™, a first-of-its-kind national initiative that aims to make a big impact within the NAFLD/NASH community by surveying the lived experiences of adults with NAFLD/NASH in the United States and fostering the continuous development and integration of actionable solutions to improve the diagnosis, treatment, care, and support for people with NAFLD/NASH.


Please Zoom In to read if having trouble reading the smaller bullet points. 

Our findings illustrate the difficult story of so many NAFLD/NASH patients.

The Wellness League was designed to support patients struggling to understand and manage their condition in a medical climate that often lets them slip through the cracks. The League offers:

- patient education on NAFLD/NASH 

- lifestyle and behavior change support

- access to free and low cost resources that address every day challenges (food, housing, and more)

Click here to be taken to The Wellness League and begin your journey today. 

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