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Global Engage bringing you the Global NASH Congress

Global Engage

We are proud to announce our collaboration with the Global Engage project. A highlight of the Global Engage year is the Global NASH Congress which brings together the world's talent to combat the liver disease epidemic.

Global Engage is pleased to announce the 3rd Global NASH Congress, which will be held in London on 10th-11th Feb 2020. The 2019 meeting was very successful, attracting over 150 industry leaders and top academics. In fact, 95% said they would attend the meeting again and was widely praised for the quality of the presentations, the breadth and depth of the content as well as the opportunity to network with colleagues from industry, academia and solution providers.

The 2020 Congress will continue to bring together the expert community whose aim it is to tackle the often overlooked NASH epidemic. New for this year, the addition of the Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes & NAFLD Symposium will create a collaborative environment to explore the latest advances in these complementary research areas.

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