donate now The Fatty Liver Foundation
donate now through network for good

Network For Good supports the foundation and manages donations for us. Click on the image above to go to their secure donation servers. We are pleased to be participate with them as part of assuring you, our supporters, that everything we do is managed properly.  We thank you for your support.

Network for Good’s nonprofit donor-advised fund uses the Internet and mobile technology to securely and efficiently distribute thousands of donations from donors to their favorite charities each year. Their donor-advised fund is accredited by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance and meets all 20 of its standards for charity accountability. View their accreditation information.

Network for Good, Inc., a Delaware nonprofit, non-stock corporation recognized by the IRS as exempt from income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), and its subsidiary Network for Good, Inc., a New York corporation, publish detailed financial summary information as a part of their annual reports, financial reports, and IRS 990 forms. Network for Good, Inc., the non-stock corporation, has retained its subsidiary Network for Good, Inc., a paid professional fundraiser, to assist in its fundraising programs. Financial information about Network for Good, Inc., the charitable organization, can be reviewed online here or at or may be obtained by contacting us at Network for Good, DAF, PO Box 33119, Washington, DC 20033-3119; (888) 284-7978, or as stated below. Information about Network for Good, Inc., a paid professional fundraiser may be obtained by contacting at ATTN: Accounting, 1140 Connecticut Avenue., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036; (888) 284-7978, or as stated below:

