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NASH-Day 2023 Conquering NASH is in sight, but the war is not won yet

We're here to mark a time in history when the Allied armies of science and medicine joined in battle to defeat the silent scourge of NAFLD/NASH. For decades, much of humanity has been under a terrible shadow. Countless faceless victims mourned only by their families have fallen to NASH, a disease of modern society. As the the medical world became aware of the killer stalking their patients the word went out from a few pioneers seeking answers. Even though the early researchers were largely ignored and the spotlight fell on the stars of heart and cancer they persevered.

We stand today on a hopeful promontory of that slow heartbreaking slog through failure after failure in the search for a way to treat liver fibrosis. Careers have been spent on tiny steps. Vast sums have been spent without success.  The liver has proven to be a formidable foe for the therapist. Its complexity has broken the heart of more than a few searchers seeking to scale that lonely, windswept cliff of knowledge.

We gather today in recognition of those pioneers and in solidarity with those at the point of the spear who have at last breached the defenses of this patient foe.  The first drugs that have shown that reduction in fibrosis is possible are reaching the top of this mountain and stand before us offering the keys to the first doors leading to real treatment for patients at high risk of death.

The battle is not won yet, but we can clearly see the path forward and we owe all of the heroes who have given their life energy to this battle a huge debt of gratitude as they have proven that even fibrosis can be treated.

Now it is up to us to complete the job, educate everyone, and preserve the millions of precious lives that were headed into the dark tunnel of liver hell as we STEP UP FOR NASH.

A part you can play in this saga is to take the State of NAFLD/NASH Care In America Survey. As we get closer to real therapy we need to know about the existing patient community. If you haven't done it yet take 20 minutes and join us in the battle to defeat this scourge.

2023 Care Survey English

2023 Care Survey Spanish
