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Liver disease patients report not being satisfied with their medical care

We presented a poster of the State of NAFLD/NASH Care in America survey at the annual conference of the AASLD, the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, last week. If you would like to look at a pdf click on the image below.


Among the findings in the survey was that patients had very little understanding of their disease even after doctor visits. How do we manage a disease when only 13% of patients understand it even after seeing a specialist?

If you would like to explore an interactive version of the poster click on the image below.  Please note that not all browsers support this format.


We are working on a formal report of the survey which we plan to submit to a medical journal for publication. I'll let you know when that is available.  It will take some time so be a patient patient. (Patience is required when dealing with our medical system even though it ultimately is a life and death situation)

We were honored to be invited to present our strategy for serving patient needs at the conference and we gave a demo of The Wellness League which will be the main patient outreach platform for us in the future. It is a short, 30 minute, description of our strategy for delivering patient support.  Click the link below to watch it.



Patient care and therapies are changing fast and keeping you informed is an important part of our job. In future blogs I will tell you about new testing for liver disease that is going to be available to us as well as updates on the potential drugs working their way through the clinical trial process and the FDA.
