We have been asked by a colleague to help distribute this study on stigma to the patient community. Please find below information about this opportunity to share your thoughts and contribute to NAFLD research by completing an anonymous survey:
You are invited to participate in a research study which involves answering questions to help better understand the experience of patients with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and to help explore the issues of stigma which include stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination related to this common liver disease. The results of this survey will be used to give us a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings about having NAFLD. This is a one-time survey and you will not be re-contacted for this study. Participation is completely voluntary. No personal information will be collected for this study and all responses will remain confidential.
Your participation in this survey will help us understand your perspectives and can provide valuable information about this important and common liver disease.
To participate, please use the following link: www.corld.org/apex/r/pro/nafld-patient-survey/welcome into a web browser on your smartphone or computer.
Thank you in advance for your input!