Recent study showed that a high intake of sugar sweetened beverages was associated with high metabolic risk cluster among both sexes; with boys tending to consume more sweet drinks than girls. Adolescents who drank more than 500 mL daily showed an increased risk for high overall metabolic risk; boys had a 10.3-fold risk for contracting metabolic syndrome by International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria and girls a 5.1-fold risk by Cook criteria. Moderate and high-consuming male SSB drinkers had greater triglyceride levels compared with nondrinkers.
“The present results indicated that boys who consumed a high amount of sugar sweetened beverages exhibited a 5.1- to 10.3-fold risk of developing metabolic syndrome, even if the prevalence of this metabolic disorder is low,” the researchers wrote.
Drinks sweetened with fructose are setting our kids up for serious health problems as they get older by increasing the likelihood that they will suffer from liver disease and diabetes. A factoid parents might like to keep in mind.
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