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FibroScan - A Non-Invasive Test


If you really would like to find out if your liver is a concern you may be surprised to learn that it is the official policy of the medical standards of practice boards not to screen for liver disease. Unless you are already sick insurance probably won't pay for the test and even worse there aren't very many testing systems available.  Currently the only economical tool for screening is Fibroscan but unless you are fortunate to live in the right place it may be hard to find one.

If you have any doubts about whether you want this test even if you are not sick, watch this video from Harvard Medical. Remember Fatty Liver Disease can be managed if you start early.  Waiting until you are sick usually means you will die young. There is no treatment once a liver reaches cirrhosis and it is common for that to happen without symptoms. If you are or have been obese you may be at risk. There are many liver diseases but fatty liver can be managed if caught early.


Click this link to learn more about FibroScan

