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What are the biggest conerns of NAFLD/NASH patients?

When you think about how we, as a patient community, live day to day what do you think the top 5 concerns are for this broad and very diverse group of people?

OK Wayne just a darned minute, why should I look at another search engine. I get so sick of all the ads.

Me too, that's why this site is ad free and dedicated to patients. Give it a look at least.

We are mostly NAFLD/NASH patients. We probably have a lot of common concerns so when we search for services we will look at a lot of the same things and The Wellness League captures that anonymous data in our search engine. Here is a chart of the top 5 things people have looked at recently.




I understand the health questions but food at nearly 53%, that surprised me. Of course, we would have to dive into the details because food has a lot nuance.  Are people looking for food banks or healthy food sources for example? Do they need help paying for food or are they searching for nutrition information?  All of those and more fall under the food category.

If you would like to see what a search for food in NY looks like click here. 

You might be interested in the health categories instead. Here is a screenshot for the services in the NY 10012 zip code. You can click the link to explore the options yourself or once you are in the site try your own zip code instead by clicking on the logo in upper left corner.


If you would like to explore all the services available in your home town click the image below and enter your zip code.


The system carries information about living life not just about being a patient and has these main categories.

  • Health
  • Food
  • Housing
  • Goods
  • Transportation
  • Money
  • Patient Care
  • Education
  • Work
  • Legal

This is a new program by the Fatty Liver Foundation.  The goal is to make life easier for people who are dealing with being unwell.

Do you know what services are available in your town? Could you use a service that listed the support services in your zip code?  You can use it anonymously if you wish.


The Wellness League is built by patients for patients. Serving patient needs. If you would like to visit the new website click the image below.


You can also find information on our main website by clicking here.

Thank you for your support. Also please forward this to anyone you know who might be interested.
