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NSF Fact Sheet


A tsunami of liver disease is building in society:

  • 100 million Americans have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and don’t know it
  • 5 million have cirrhosis and don’t know it
  • Wellness screening for asymptomatic disease is not commonly done in the US

The problem has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • The average American has gained 29 pounds during the pandemic
  • This extra weight greatly increases risk of disease and death

NAFLD and NASH are unknown to most people:

  • Most people have no knowledge of liver disease, other than alcohol-related liver disease which carries tremendous stigma
  • Doctors rarely warn patients of risk or attempt to diagnose absent symptoms

There are no treatments for NASH:

  • There are not enough patients to fill clinical trials necessary for drug approval 
  • Medical providers and industry groups are not working collaboratively to address their common issue


We must change the paradigm of blindness regarding liver disease from the grassroots, at a family and community level.

The NAFLD Screening Fund is a public-private partnership led by FLF: 

  • To fund screening for NAFLD/NASH in undiagnosed, asymptomatic populations 
  • To drive awareness and early detection of risk
  • To foster education about healthy lifestyles 
  • To support patients identified with disease with linkage to care and education about enrollment in clinical trials


$5 million for the first 2 years of operation


Provide financing to advance the deployment of community-based, NAFLD/NASH screening models and other interventions.

Accelerate the development of NAFLD/NASH treatments by expanding the patient pool available for clinical trials.

Sensitize and activate treatment preparedness within the patient and payor communities and enroll screened individuals into FLF’s safety net Wellness League for continued support.


Governance Board

Scientific Advisory Committee

Grant Application Process
